Property Law

Property Law

  • Category: Property Law
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Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property (land) and personal property. Any property regarding which an offence appears to have been committed or which appears. to have been used for the commission of any offence. When such property is involved in commission of an offence, or is the subject matter of an offence, the same is known as case property.

The main legal property rights are the right of possession, the right of control, the right of exclusion, the right to derive income, and the right of disposition. There are exceptions to these rights, and property owners have obligations as well as rights.

Property law covers two types of property in the common law legal system, real property and personal property. In the civil law system, there is a division between movable and immovable property. Movable property is more or less the same as personal property.

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